Wills and Estate Planning

Hozack Clisdell Lawyers offers a simple and effective method of planning the administration of your Estate. We can assist you with:

Hozack Clisdell Lawyers offers a simple and effective method of planning the administration of your Estate and all matters relating to your Estate.

Estate planning involves the process of making or changing a will, but it’s much more complex than that and addresses not only your will but all other aspects of your estate that you may not have considered, such as how your superannuation will be dealt with when you pass away.

Hozack Clisdell will guide you through the process of putting in place an effective estate plan to ensure that your wishes are carried out after your passing in the most tax effective way and to relieve your loved ones of any stress.

We always recommend keeping your Will up to date and reviewing it regularly as it makes distributing your Estate far easier on your beneficiaries in what is usually an emotional time on the death of a family member.